This tool can help primary care clinicians and others supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to understand contributing factors when these adults present with emotional distress and behavioral concerns. It provides a systematic and sequential exploration of four areas relating to biopsychosocial circumstances that might underlie or be contributing to emotional distress and behaviors of concern, including aggression or self-injury: Health, Environment, Lived Experiences, and Psychiatric Disorders (HELP). Use of this tool may need to be repeated, as necessary, over time.
Download: HELP with Emotional and Behavioral Concerns
After you download and save the PDF file to your computer, it can (1) be printed and filled out by hand or (2) completed as a fillable PDF form on devices (e.g., laptop, iPad). See Using Fillable Forms in this Toolkit.
Read more about the tool development and meet the team at the bottom of this web page.